ENGAGEMENT is an artist-led movement tackling sexual harassment, sexism and abuse of power in the Belgian arts field.
The movement was formed in the wake of #MeToo (2017) after countless instances of sexual harassment came to light in the Belgian dance community. Since then, ENGAGEMENT has transformed into an organised platform active across all artistic disciplines, doing work in the professional as well as the educational sphere.
As a low-threshold, peer-to-peer initiative, ENGAGEMENT offers support to individuals and communities facing transgressive behaviour, discrimination and/or unfair practices in the arts. We are continuously in conversation with organisations wanting to create safer and more inclusive working environments.
ENGAGEMENT is also taking an active role in the initiative against harassment launched by the Flemish Department of Culture, Youth and Media in 2018.
In our work, we approach sexual harassment and gender-based violence through the lens of intersectional feminism. ENGAGEMENT stands in solidarity with everyone fighting sexism, racism, ableism, and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.
This project was initiated in 2017 by Ilse Ghekiere and developed in the context of D.I.T. (Do It Together), a research and development trajectory by Kunstenpunt..
The statement of this website was shaped in March 2018 by Sirah Foighel Brutmann, Rósa Ómarsdóttir, Gala Moody, Ilse Ghekiere.
This website was designed with care by Sarah Magnan and Loraine Furter, from the collective Just for the Record, with the open source font Hind, designed by Manushi Parikh.
Trust persons & people who have taken up an active role within ENGAGEMENT (2019-2022): Aike Roodenburg, Jacopo Buccino, Josefien Cornette, Eline De Clercq, Sirah Foighel Brutmann, Ilse Ghekiere, Margo Veeckman, Siska Baeck, Petra Van Brabandt, Karolien Chromiak, Justine Maxelon, Anneleen Lemmens, Melissa Mabesoone, Anna Muchin, Merel Severs, Nelle Hens, …
Since 2022, ENGAGEMENT has become a VZW. Our current team consists of: Anneleen Lemmens, Ilse Ghekiere, Anna Muchin, Aike Roodenburg, Margo Veeckman and Jens Van Lathem.
Partners who support us and/or have support us in the past: vzw RoSa, Sociaal Fonds Podiumkunsten, oKo, ACOD/CGSP Cultuur, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Vlaamse Overheid (Cultuur, Jeugd en Media), Kunstenpunt, SPIN, Kunsthal Gent and Gents Kunstenoverleg.
We work closely together with Vlaamse Genderkamer (former), Vlaams Meldpunt Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag and Instituut voor Gelijkheid van Vrouwen en Mannen.
A hearfelt thank you goes to all the people who got involved, structurally or temporarily, voluntarily (and with incredible energy!), to contribute to the work of ENGAGEMENT.
Special thanks to all the dancers and performing artists from #wetoo #makemovement, who have inspired and supported this work from its early days.